So everything was going really well until about 2:00 am this morning when Nate, thinking that this was a normal night and he would get to come to bed with us, decided to make himself and his opinions heard. For about two hours off and on, we did the check every little while. He'd go back to sleep and then wake up and then repeat the little cycle. I was sorely tempted to give in but Justin was awesome at encouraging me that we were in fact doing the right thing (and that no, the child wasn't hungry, wasn't dying, wasn't in desperate need of anything at all and wasn't going to be scarred for life because his mother was a cold unfeeling bitch who left him alone to cry in a dark empty room). I am a very weak, very silly woman. And also an idiot. A very good friend pointed out to me recently that this is probably hard for me because I would do virtually anything to keep someone I love from feeling pain. I thank you for this, and it makes me feel better (partly because I'd like to think that I am that person and partly because it gives me a reason for being such an idiot). I know this is not only tough for me, but for every freakin mom I have spoken to so far, and y'all deserve big friggin gold medals pinned to your chests (and chocolates, and diamonds and lots of praise and acknowledgement).
Nate did go back to sleep and I stupidly couldn't get back to bed until about a half hour after he did (listening for every little noise). This morning he was all bubbly and happy like nothing happened and 'hey momma, how are you and why are you hugging me so hard?' when I congratulated him for sleeping in his crib and going back to sleep by himself. From this empirical evidence I deduce that this is harder for me than it is for him.
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
Oh my goodness, lady! You're doing such a great job. Keep it up -- I really believe this will help you both sleep better in the long (but not too long!) run.
Power, sister.
Absolutely. Teaching your child to get to sleep on their own is THE hardest part of parenting. Ben and I cried on the other side of the wall when it came to Clara's turn but in the end, she did and she's alive and the happiest clam too. And, while she continues to be nap-resistent, she is the best darned sleeper at night. Between 12-13 hours. Now it's Pippa's turn, but perhaps I'm hardened by my first experience, but her crying doesn't make me cry any longer. I just think, it's going to happen one day, little one, and it's better sooner than later. So, good for you and good for Justin for being such a sane, supportive dad. The dads are sometimes the more rational parents, eh?
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