I've been trying to post some pictures here this morning and it just don't work. Don't blame me if you are missing the Nate's picture. Blame Blogger, or.....well.....just click on the flickr link and see him there.
It's less than a month until the Nate and I head off to Halifax to dazzle the grandparents with his brilliance. For myself, I'm looking forward to being there but not to travelling alone with Nate. In my head it is potentially way too complicated (even though I know it will be fine and that Nate will most likely be pretty darn good). Halifax in the fall is freaking fantastic (jeans sweater and jacket weather is my favorite weather) and I can't wait to go there and just soak it up, y'all. Plus I miss my mommy (pathertic isn't it?) plus I get to visit my new nephew (who is waaaay bigger than he was just a month ago), plus visit all my cool friends back East (you so know who you are). I however am not looking forward to sub-standard lattes so I'm switching to Timmy's for two weeks, it is much less painful and I like the Horton beverage ( I do not call it coffee).
Things that annoy me lately:
Young and perfectly able bodied people taking up the elevators at the sky-train stations and in malls. Seriously, there is usually an escalator or (gasp) stairs very close by. I watched a couple of teenagers, a young couple etc. get on an evevator AHEAD of a woman in a scooter the other day. What the hell! I mean I get pissy when they get on ahead of strollers because those of us with strollers don't have much of a choice, but the elderly and others with mobility issues have no choice at all! Stupid people. Meanies. Morons.
Oooooh, I got so pissy there that I forgot the other things that annoy me.
Oh yeah, The Canucks annoy me lately. Paying 1.9 mil for buddy. Got nothing better to do with your cash? And that new coach? He's gonna have something to prove to me. I really liked the Crow (and his very ugly ties). I know we've been sucking canal water as a team but this makes me all very nervous. Everyone should know though, that my opinions on hockey are based on lots of very important factors like the cuteness of players, how hard they try, have they ever been up on charges of beating their wives, etc. This is why I ended up last in the hockey pool last season.
Reality TV. But that has always annoyed me, so no big deal really except that the summer is full of it.
Speaking of coffee, I think I'm gonna have one now and stop thinking about all the things that piss me off.
Fluffy bunnies, chocolate bars, Natester, Snoops and my honey!
That's better.