Saturday, July 01, 2006

The market of farmers


Today we took Nate to his first farmers market. Because I am overly terrified of him getting sunstroke or a burn or heatstroke (everybody has to worry about something--I have to worry about everything) we went very early. And guess what? There are a whole bunch of folks (called parents , I guess) who apparently worry about the same things I do 'cause every second person seemed to have a baby in a stroller or a carrier or a sling. I love the farmers market even though it is a little on the 'spensive side. The food is so fresh and where else are you going to get lovely candy cane beets and organic rhubarb and little golf ball sized summer squash? Oh and the organic portebello, shitake and oyster mushrooms from the lovely mushroom people (those people who sell mushrooms, not lovely people made out of mushrooms). I can't wait until the summer corn is out! Did I mention that I really like food?

Oh yeah, and Nate liked it too. He got a kick out of all the people and the dogs and the sheer goings on in the world. I watched him watching the sky go by on the bus this morning--so fascinated.

I've just put him down in his crib with George for a nap. George is his new best friend--a little stuffed monkey he's been chewing on. Except I put him down awake, just to see what would happen. Since I started writing he's been happily chatting and biting away on George. Now he's starting to call out to see if anyone comes to get him. I wonder if he will fall asleep like this? Is it bad to experiment on your kids? Just little social-behavioural experiments, nothing too weird or anything.

Oh yeah, Happy Canada Day!

He's still not asleep and starting to sound kinda pissy/worried.

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