Saturday, July 22, 2006


Yay! It came this morning! See how shiny and pretty it is? The only thing that really matters is that it will keep things cold. It's been a really hard week round this house, with four adults and a baby trying to live out of a tiny cooler. Just to make things more interesting, it has been between 30 and 36 degrees celsius the past few days. A teething baby, a heat wave and no fridge really sucks.

Poor little bubba, he's a trooper. He is doing his best under what are clearly terrible circumstances beyond his control. His napping is shot to hell cause it's too hot for him to sleep long. He's also been getting us up the past few nights many many times between 1am and 5am wanting to be comforted. This teething thing is making him so uncomfortable my heart really goes out to him. The jolly jumper is saving our asses at the moment 'cause it makes him really really happy.

It's damn hot. I know some of y'all live in places that are way hotter than here right now and my sympathies are with you, but I must still bitch and complain about how hot it be.

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