Friday, July 07, 2006

I'm buying stock in Tylenol

It's been a not-so-nice couple of days, or nights I should say. Nate has gone into some fairly serious teething or pre teething or whatever. His copious drooling has assumed faucet-like proportions, and he is biting/gumming everything in site without much relief. He's been waking up every hour or so during the night wailing like a banshee and not having naps during the day. Yesterday I was so worn out I didn't even know my own name. I went to the doctor regarding my wrist situation (crappy news, more on tht later) and I asked her about it. She suggested giving him some Tylenol (as did Lori previously-you were so right girlfriend!). I had been holding off on the Tylenol cause I didn't want to over-medicate him and he seemed more uncomfortable than in pain. Me = wrong. We gave him some last night and got a blessed five or so hours sleep. We took him to bed with us for the rest and he was pretty okay. Most importantly, Nate seems to be able to cope better overall when he has had some sleep to go on (duh is me). Maybe I just needed that doctor approved go-ahead, which is so unlike me normally. Anyhow, this teething thing is a bitch in a whole cavalcade of bitch-like things to come. Of course the real kicker is that I feel so damn helpless when something is wrong with my kid and I can't do anything to make it better. I'm such a fixer. The learning experiences abound.

On the happy side, its perogy (perogie?) night at the local Ukranian church tonight and I'm soooooo looking forward to it. Oh, and I got an awesome trashy book that I've been hoarding my gift certificates for and I'm happily creeping through it a few pages at a time in guilty pleasure. It is jammed full of sex and violence and vampires and girl kicking ass and I absolutely adore it!

Also, I've got the newest Neko Case album, thanks to a friend who has a vested interest in keeping me somewhat sane. Life is good.



Mama T said...

one thing you can try for the teething pain (and I had a pediatrician tell me that the pain babies go through when teething is some of the worst pain they'll experience) is a frozen washcloth to chew on. It numbs the gums for a bit.

Tirade said...

Thanks a bunch! I've been finding that he likes them really cold but not frozen, and I've been covering my finger with the cloth and massaging his gums. My heart goes out to the little guy. The cloth is soo much better than the teething rings that he can't quite seem to hold on to.