So Nateski has some serious attitude. I mean I kind of expected it, but not for a little while longer. He has decided that no food will pass his lips that has not been stuffed in his mouth with his own little hands. This leaves me scurrying to find things he can eat (he has rejected diced carrots and squash so far). Today he ate little bits of broccoli for lunch with his mac and cheese and then later tonight managed some diced yams. If you try to feed him he goes from cheerful little dude to pisssy little so-and-so before you can but blink your pretty eyes. For pureed fruit he will sometimes make concessions. I am starting to realise that there may be some all out freaky battles in our house in the years to come. Today I found out that he like pizza crust a lot and that he is capable of spitting out pureed food quite some distance.
Tomorrow we are taking him to see Santa at the local mall. I'm kind of curious to see how he takes it. Did that just sound like some kind of social experiment? My little brother was terrified of Santa from the get go and never, NEVER liked him. Ever. All the pictures we have show me grinning my ass off while my brother, well, not so smiley. Anyhow, Nate is pretty laid back and I think he's gonna like Santa.
We shall see.
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