Thursday, August 17, 2006

Time to clean house!

For the past couple of days we have just been catching up with nothing in particular but each other and Nate. It is nice not to have to have a particular schedule, an empty house, and no one else to worry about. I've also been making plans. This usually makes Justin afraid, 'cause it means I've got lots of stuff for him to do. Now that his parents have gone I want to completely redo the spare room and put Nate's crib and other stuff in there. This means moving all kinds of furniture and cleaning out all the storage spaces and throwing out all kinds of stuff. We have so much crap in our house y'all, it be insane. So I have declared war on stuff. Not all stuff (I havn't lost my consumerist edge), but all the useless stuff that I don't want or don't need but have been holding on to for I dunno what reason. Our problem is that Justin and I both like to accumulate stuff in various shapes and sizes. Now that we have a baby we have all kinds of extra stuff to find places for, and it won't all fit. So busy busy days ahead.

Nate is, as my mother would say, 'a going concern' (I've never figured out what exactly it means, but you get the general idea). He's crawling better and more often now, so that when you put him on the floor you have to keep your eye on him all the time. He has discovered that wires are yummy, TV remotes are also yummy, and Snoopy moves way faster than him. I can't believe how much difference just a couple of weeks makes in the development of one little baby. He now has two teeth that have broken through his lower gums. They are lovely, adorable, and painful for both of us. He is constantly making with the noisy baby sounds and almost always in motion. Yesterday I went through his clothes and got a whole bag of stuff (medium size garbage bag) that no longer fits him and will make the journey to his younger cousin.

It's like you know that he's going to grow up but there's this one part of your brain that is totally surprised when you see the evidence of it, like you think deep down that he isn't really going to change. I think this must be the same with most parents and their first children. Maybe once you have evidence of it with your first child, you expect it more.

Or I'm just an idiot.


Mama T said...

I thought it was "Growing concern"...

Tirade said...

It may well be, just mashed up after being repeated often. Kinda expressive either way.