If they can put a goddamn man on the moon, teleport light, clone sheep, and get the caramel in the caramilk bar, why can't they make a nursing bra that not only fits but works like it is supposed to and not break, oh, and makes your tits look good too (since I'm asking for the impossible I might as well ask big). To date I have toasted at least a half a dozen nursing bras (in the only model that fits me well enough that I don't want to scream and rip off). Most were in underwire related incidents that were not pretty and in once case caused bodily harm. The other sad excuses for nursing bras in my posession have weird snaps that booiiing off af awkward moments, itch, or don't sufficiently hang on to big boob properly. Yesterday I gave up and bought a regular bra figuring that I could wear it when I'm out and not nursing, and at home I can switch back to tank tops, which seem to be the breastfeeders best friend. I don't breastfeed much in public, not because it bothers me, but because my bad wrists make it difficult to feed without pillows for support. Anyhow, even shopping for regular bras I could only find one that I liked in my size (I'm all inflated with the milk and there really isn't much choice out there for one of my, um, stature).
So what the hell?!?!? I know I'm not the only one out there who has this problem. We have apparently come far enough that breastfeeding is the norm, but not far enough that we can be properly and comfortably equipped to do it. At least not if we are women who don't fit the curve of being 'normal' sized (in Vancouver this means tiny). I once read a statistic that said only a small percentage of plus sized women breastfeed. No small wonder. It's also a bitch finding clothes when you are pregnant and plus sized (especially ones that don't either infantilize you or make you look like an old lady).
Okay, bitch session ended. I gotta go feed my kid.
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