Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bad girl no more?

I'm not sure if it's just having to be so damn good and nice while Justin's folks are here or if it is the being a mommy thing sinking in, but the past few days I've had the urge to do something....bad girl like. You know, get a few more tattoos or pierce something or drop a few hits of acid or whatever. I think it must be the whiny rebellious teenager buried deep inside reacting to the three months of constant parental supervision. Lately I've been fraying a bit around the edges. Nate was reaching for the TV remote yesterday so I gave it to him figuring he couldn't hurt himself with it. Justin's mother took it away from him, making him cry. So I gave it back. She took it away from him. I gave it back. See where this is heading? Or at least could head? I mean seriously what's the big fucking deal with Nate playing with the remote? Do I need to point out that I am his parent and am capable of making these decisions on my own? I also listened to her tell Nate that "big boys don't cry" yesterday. I immediately replied "sure they do" and counted backward from ten three times to prevent me from saying something that would damage our relationship for the rest of Nate's life. Luckily he's just a little egg and doesn't understand sentences yet and no damage will be done. His folks are always telling me to be careful with everything all the time, watch this or you will spill it, don't write on that, this is hot, that is dangerous. I know this sounds really really petty, but I can break, spoil, or ruin any damn thing I want to IT IS MY STUFF! Three months is a long time y'all. I need my house back.



Mama T said...

Dear Tirade and Son thereof,
I know exactly what you mean about grandparental interventions, and trying to maintain your sanity as a parent. Although we don't have the luxury of gparents nearby, and when we do get visits they are short (and therefore easily manageable), we hear from friends wonderful stories like "my mother told my toddler: if you wet your knickers, your mum isn't going to love you anymore." Perhaps this was a good method of potty training in... 1690, but not so effective these days. Anyway, I wish you all the best with the gparents.
love the pics of hfx, of course. i miss the place, too. it feels weird for me not having any family there anymore, but i feel the heart tugs to move back anyway. great place, and will always be my "home", too.

Tirade said...

Hey there you! Thanks for your support. They love the kid to bits and I'm happy he has so much adoration in his life, but boy oh boy they can be difficult.

I think about moving home lots, but would have to have just the right configuration of stuff to happen to make that work. Mostly a job would help lots. Sadly, the government dept. that I work for has no offices east of Montreal so transferring would no be possible. It remains a fantasy for now.
