Monday, November 27, 2006

Let it snow, let is snow, let it snow!

Its a freakin' winter wonderland out there today. Justin is inordinately pleased, Snoopy is chilly and the rest of Vancouver is a tad flummoxed. As it happens every year, the city is freaked out by snow (even though we live in Canada and it do snow here in Vancouver at least a few times per year). I am a snow bystander, so it really doesn't bother me all that much. I shall just bide my time and wait for the nuttiness to end.

Nate graduated to toast fingers yesterday with pear puree on top. He seemed to like the squishiness of them and mauled them more than ate them. He did manage one in total. He is not happening with vegetables as finger foods (spits them out with the most disdainful look). I think we shall stick with toast, cheerios, and baby mum-mums for now. He even will eat a bit of grated cheese every now and again.

Today I am wrapping Christmas presents (they are Christmas presents, not holiday presents, even though I am not invested in any kind of religiosity) to send back to the East coast for ma famille. I must must must clean my house. I've been dragging my lazy butt about this it seems like forever and today I am going to try to get a few rooms done.

But first I must watch Jon Stewart.


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