We had a lovely trip to Lethbridge to visit grandma Jo and Opa (who are as taken with Nate as Nate is with them), and then a fantastic visit with Mama T and her family. T's two daughters are absolutely beautiful and brilliant and lively and charming and wonderful, no surprise given their parents. We were so happy to touch base and spend time with their family, and Nate adored everyone (I suspect he has a crush on Clara, even though he and Pippa are close in age and Mama T and I are considering a marriage contract). Clara was incredibly patient with Nate, letting him crawl around after her and take her toys and so on. She is such a little momma bear, helping with the little ones and is very patient with them. Nate will henceforth be known as Mr. Nate (Clara patiently explained that he was Mr. Nate because "hims a he"). Pippa seems like such a self-possessed baby. She is happy to be on the floor rolling over and gurgling and giggling and playing on her own with as little or as much attention as you are wanting to give her (very very much attention in my case, my hands just itched to hold her). I will post more pictures when we get them all sorted out, but I just had to post this one.
Makes me want to have more kids y'all.
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