Saturday, November 18, 2006

Don't drink the water

Seriously, don't drink it. Vancouver has issued a boil water advisory for the last few days. Boiled or not, I wouldn't drink the stuff anyhow cause of the very funky colour it is straight out of the tap. Bleck. People, because of this water advisory, have lost their ever-loving minds. It's like some apoca-frickin-lyptic mob mentality. People are filling shopping carts full of big bottles, little bottles, evian, whatever they can get their hands on. They are screaming at cashiers, lining up forever, and generally acting like there will never be another drop of water available EVER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. We have water and things will be fine (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).

In more fun news, Mr. Nate is clapping now all on his own, is starting to do something approaching a wave and is eating finger foods! Cheerios are now my favorite things in the entire world. Wait for it and I shall tell y'all why. After Nate finishes his food, he will happily sit for another 15 mins or more if you deposit a small amount of Cheerios on his highchair tray. His eyes brighten, he reaches out with glee and snatches them up (they never really had a chance). It's almost creepy.

Things are all straightened up now after our little trip. The laundry is done and away, bags back in the storage, fridge filled and so on. The thing is we have such amazing and wonderful friends everywhere (thats y'all) it makes me sad that I can't just fold the damn country so we can be more a part of each other's lives. I feel like this even more now that we have Nate cause he should meet and spend time with all these incredible people.

Blah blah blah. I'm done feeling sorry for myself now.

I've got Tom Petty stuck in my head. That American girl song.

Bet you hate me now.

1 comment:

joie said...

Holy shit! It's like that War of the Corphorages episode where people go apeshit for the bugspray. Awesome.

Dude. Natezilla sounds incredible. Please document this cheerios phase because even if he is still enamoured with them when I come back, the technique will have changed.

Thanks for the blogger tip. I'm not that mean either, right?

I'm hugging you in my mind.
