Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Look ma -- more teeth!

Little Nateski has two top teeth (after more than three weeks of crappy pain and some blood and lots of discomfort and children's Advil)! He's almost back to normal after his big trip and teething adventure. All he wants to do is stand up these days and is totally offended and pissy if you put him in his exersaucer. He is even resenting his stroller! I have to admit that I'm totally disarmed by his new toothy grin and am amazed at how much he has changed in the past couple of weeks (but then I always say that).

We have a pumpkin that we intended to carve days ago, but as of yet remains in it's natural state. I feel very unprepared for this Halloween and will consider this one a non starter. I promise to do better in the future with the pumpkin and costume and candy apples and house decorations and stuff. Y'all I'm feeling a little overwhelmed since I got back, and time is a flyin' and I'm uneasy at the small amount of stuff I've managed to accomplish since Nate has joined us in the world. I feel like there is so much I want to do with him and for him and I'm just not measuring up somehow. I know this is stupid, but I feel like that anyway and plan on having a nice long talk with myself in the shower today (that's when I listen best).

Today's hopeful list of stuff to do in no particular order:

put away laundry (neverending task)
shower (mama's hair is getting creepy)
go to capers and get food (I'm looking forward to this cause we have a giftcard and I plan to spend it on expensive organic produce)
make Nate's new supply of food (aforementioned organic produce)
clean up the house (ha! but we can try)
make dinner (tonight's menu features dry lamb curry, south asian singapore style, and sauteed okra with spices and rice)
give out candy (if we are lucky we shall have one or two kids)
do more laundry

Time to get started on the shower part of the day!

1 comment:

Mama T said...

It's funny how we think we have to accomplish so much with these little ones, but they don't care if they are whisked off to the zoo/gymboree/swimming pool/aquarium etc. They are most happy in their space with their stuff. So, give yourself the credit you deserve for raising a lovely, happy, healthy and charming little person. And have a (relatively) clean house (assuming you didn't make it to 'cleaning the house' yesterday, because i never do) and delicious meals to eat. Yowzah, hope you aren't hoping to eat in such style when you come here...!