Sunday, October 08, 2006


I really don't want to fall into the trap of being trite. But I never could avoid a trap even when it had a sign posted on it and big flashing lights saying "trap here, please don't fall into it." Kind of like how I can't keep myself from getting the last word in, making the obvious joke, or pushing whatever metaphorical big red button presents itself. Anyway, it is Thanksgiving weekend and this morning I've been thinking about giving my thanks to the powers that be, the universe, or whatever turns your particular crank, for the not suckingness of my life. I'm not particular about Thanksgiving as a holiday, because I think it is way messed up in colonial crapiness. Our ancestors got here and promptly screwed the First Nations (oh sure they invited them to dinner first) and haven't done much to thank them for their help since.

Nonetheless, just calling it Thanksgiving makes you think about -- well -- giving thanks. A few things I give thanks for are:

  • friends, 'cause life would really suck without them. I have the world's best friends who have stuck with me through tonnes of weird and wonderful stuff.
  • breastpumps, cause the last seven months would have been hell, hell, hell without one. You have no idea how awesome and necessary they are until you start breastfeeding. Either you know or you don't so I'll move on.
  • my job, cause I really like it.
  • chocolate (totally obvious).

I also feel the need to say how much I love and am thankful for my family. I've got the bestest partner in the world (no you don't, I do!), a fantastic kid who I learn something about and from every single day and a kind and gentle dog. I also have the best parents and siblings ever.

See, trite, but I can't help it.

Trite, but also disgustingly sincere.

'nuff said

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