Tuesday, October 03, 2006


We are all down with a cold here, with Justin as the latest patient. The brightest eyes in the whole place belong to Snoopy who really doesn't get what we are bitching about. Despite being sick, Nate persists in a mostly cheerful manner, snot bubbles and all. He occasionally gets cranky-pants-clingy, but can usually be distracted into a decent mood. Being sick and having a kid is a new experience for me. You can't just go and lay down if you feel like it, can't just give up and sit on the couch and quit 'cause you got someone else to worry about who can't take care of himself. Justin and I have been spelling off each other so we can all have naps.

And today, your eye candy is a picture of Nate eating supper on the deck.

He is pretty darn cute in a touque.

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