Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hey there!

Poor little Nate got his first year shots yesterday. Since then he's had a fever, which is normal. What isn't normal is that his nose is running, he's coughing (and crying every time he coughs cause his throat hurts) and he is very very unhappy. Is it possible that we are unlucky enough to have Nate get his shots just as he was coming down with a cold? Sure it is! He was miserable and clingy for most of the day. It's kind of terrible but I kind of liked the clingy-ness. He'd just snuggle down on me and watch Sesame Street, and except for the sick part I was in Mama heaven.

I forgot to post these video links for y'all of the not-sick Nate. One of Nate getting his first red packet at Chinese New Year, and the other of Nate in his fire engine hat, which except for this moment caught on film, he hates and won't wear.

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