Thursday, March 15, 2007

You ever just want to...

Jam your face into a pillow and scream until you just can't anymore?

Sit down and have a good cry for no really good reason at all?

Glower at everyone who even looks like they might not subscribe to your world view?

Visit horrible acts of violence on people who wouldn't make room for you on the skytrain this morning, or talk too loud about ridiculous things on their cellphones or just LITTER?

Laugh hysterically cause there isn't anything better you can think of to do except jam something in your eye?

Take all of those things and combine them with a bone-deep weariness that makes you feel defeated in all things and that's been my last week or so on the hormone express. It doesn't matter what you say Ms. or Mr. Reader, or even what you think cause that's how it is. Actually, that's how it is light. It is actually much worse in reality. Maybe, just maybe hormones didn't cause all those things to happen, but you tell the seething cauldron of hatred, despair, moroseness, and rage that is barely contained within the limits of me that they had nothing-to -do-with-it-all-thank-you-very-much.

I swear sometimes there is just the finest thinnest skin protecting the world from the inside of me.

Drama Queen.


Anonymous said...

You are not least not this this household. Maybe its something in the water? Who knows. I do know that I on occassion feel this way. Does this make me a psycho who could lose it at any moment and turn into a mall gunman or vengeful postal worker? I don't think so...but only cause it's so hard to get guns here in Canada!

Just kidding! : )



Anonymous said...

I heart you both. I wish I could take you for a long, sun-filled drive to a Chester seaside shack for a bucket o' mussels from "that little cove over there."

You're both super-heroes, but your powers were taken away by exoposure to red kryptonite when you were just bebehs. (Make sure you avoid that with Nate.)

love, Jenn

Mama T said...

yep, reality can really get you downin' hey?
i'm sending chocolately hugs from here to there, and, well, perhaps next week won't be so gray.
Ben could sure sympathize with you this week. He's not in the best place right now.