Saturday, February 10, 2007

Walk baby walk

Hi there! How goes it?

Long time no see. It's a beautiful day outside, but Nate has a very hoarse voice and may be fighting a cold-so I think we will stay inside. He's still pretty chipper though. And he ate 1 1/2 fish sticks, broccili, a cracker and two cubes of blueberries for lunch. Is it starve a cold and feed a fever? Or the other way around? Who knows.

Further on the topic of Nate, he's walking lots now. All over the place. Walking walking walking. I described his walking like a cross between a drunk and a zombie. Still, he's walking. You can watch a video of him walking here. He's pretty damn pleased with himself, and is right this very minute walking around with a beanie puppy in one hand and tupperware in the other grinning his butt off.

I got a new haircut. I really like it. It is a very sharply inverted bob dyed red with white-blond highlights. I'm liking it a bunch and feel very good about it. Nothing like new hair to cheer you up. Work is going well. Really busy though. The workload is pretty crazy, but I enjoy it still.

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