Monday, February 12, 2007

Boo hiss Olympics

Continuing the hate-a-thon that is my blog with a nasty word or twelve on the coming Olympic games.

Today the news was chock a block with footage about the countdown to the Olympics, and stories about who should carry the frackin torch. I loathe the idea that the Olympics will be busting it's way into my home for many reasons. Both the provincial and municipal governments are spending tonnes and tonnes of cash on the stupid Olympics instead of on daycare spaces, housing for low income families, public transit that goes somewhere useful (instead of near the airport--'cause going straight to the airport would be too easy), community centres and generally providing children with education, food, and a place to live. The mayor is hawking an untried drug strategy instead of continuing programs that are working for people. Rents are soaring beyond belief so that people can't afford to live in the city.

It just plain hitches my wagon.

It is going to be crowded. I hate crowded. Crowded makes me pissy pissy pissy.

Also, everyone talks about how good this will be for the city, but I can't really see how. I mean, if you had property to sell in the city that wasn't your primary residence, or maybe sold Canadian flags, or maybe are a major hotel chain (or were the political leaders of a province or city and wanted to make it into the IOC someday). The supposed economic boost to the city isn't going to benefit the people who could use a few more bucks in rent subsidy, added day care spaces, a hot meal, etc.

It burns my ass that Gordon Campbell is getting so much play for this; the man who cut millions from legal aid, cut funding for women's centres, closed beds in health care facilities and instituted the infamous training wage allowing employers to pay paltry wages to 'new' employees.

Did I also mention I hate crowds? I'm thinking maybe we will take some time off and head for higher ground.

I only really like the hockey anyway.

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