Monday, November 10, 2008

I love it when a plan comes together....

or almost comes together.

I got word on Friday that my director is supportive of my telework agreement! This means I can take my job to Halifax!!! No kidding! I had been trying hard not to count on it or jinx it (or think of it in any way)since it was a bit of a long shot. This means I can take my Analyst job with me and work from my home office in Halifax. When I get a home office, that is. Currently we haven't had any offers on our place yet and we are getting a little antsy. We had a fairly well attended open house on the weekend and have two showings tomorrow.

I really love the place we are offering on in Halifax. With my guaranteed income now we may be able to keep both places, but it would be stretchy. The idea was really to have no debt, not increase it. On the other side of it, if we can afford it the Vancouver rental market is waaaay hotter than the selling market right now, so we could make it work.

Keep up the voodoo magic folks, it seems to be working!


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