Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Still alive

Goddamnit! I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted anything. I apologise to all of the three of y'all or so who look me up from time to time. I'm settling in nicely to the life of working in an office again. Cubicle living is okay. EXCEPT. It is too frickin hot, all the time hot. Hot hot hot. Like the-sweat-on-my-ass-has-sweat-on-it's-ass hot. See, you can't please all o' the folks all o' the time, and some people are actually cold in the hot box of heatedness that is my daily environment. The temperature in the office is of continuous discussion by those who dwell in the cubes. But y'all that sucker is hot.

The other thing is that I am surrounded by the loveliest women at work, both in disposition and countenance. I feel so frumpy and all crazy mommy-like and I'm flanked by twenty somethings who have all the latest boots and fashiony gear and have gorgeous hair and actually have and take the time to wear make-up to work. ARRRRGHHH! They are such great people that I can't possibly hold it against them.

And ain't that a pisser?

1 comment:

joie said...

think of me and then think of those twentysomethings who probably have their own tirade to take them shopping and personally style else could we young bucks manage. we've got the oodles of time but not the sense to appreciate it methinks. ah well.

you should ask the government for some scantily clad men to fan you with palm fronds, else they risk a worksafe/health claim of overheating!

you know it's just because you're such a hottie, right?! (someone had to point out the obvious)