Friday, January 05, 2007

This work thing

really cuts into my blogging. I'm a tired little federal employee at the end of the day. I'm liking it, though. The best thing is the people. I'm pretty much a people oriented person (a pop if you will). I like chatting and being around folks in general.

Nate is snotty snotty snotty. Where does all the stuff come from? There is a constant stream of mucus dripping out of his tiny button nose. He is standing up all by himself, bouncing up and down, and balancing pretty well. I'm afraid this will very soon morph into walking.

More tomorrow, tired girl has scrambled brains


Mama T said...

come back, make time. i miss you and your tirades. no good ones as of late. btw, we are onto BSG 2.5 already!

Tirade said...

It's nuts how addictive BSG can be. I know I haven't been living up to my name lately. I get some pretty good ones going on during the day, but tend to peter out by the time I get home from work. Will attempt to do better in the future.

joie said...

i just realised how funny "peter out' looks when written! Just me? okay.

I adore the Nate/Tree picture. Your kid? Squishably, cheek-pinchingly gorgeous. Yum.

I'm going to pretend I didn't see any of that *bsg* talk,lalalalala...