Tuesday, January 23, 2007


In the spirit of MamaT's list posted on her site a while ago, I'm wanting to share a hundred things about myself. But I think it might strain my brain so I'm going to do it ten at a time.

1) I was originally supposed to have been named Laurie, but my grandfather wouldn't hear of it, so Patty was my mom's second choice.

2) When I was little my brother and I made up a story about a spider who lived in the wall named Fang. We would send tribute to him every once in a while to make sure he didn't come out (we were and are both scared of spiders).

3) I like pineapple and pizza, but not pineapple on my pizza.

4) I've never read War and Peace

5) I love fall, its my absolute favorite time of year.

6) I am allergic to peaches.

7) I was born in the year of the dog.

8) I am a Scorpio.

9) I failed grade 12 math.

10) I have been and still am a teeny bit afraid of skeletons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can you be afraid of skeletons, hello anthropology?