Sunday, June 01, 2008

I am Legend

I ordered it from the cable company and sat down to watch it last night. It turned out to be a not-too-subtle-but-different-enough-to-be-interesting remake of a Charlton Heston movie called The Omega Man (which I have seen a few times and liked in a creepy cultie movie kind of way). I like Will much better than Charlton, by the way and I thought he did a great job. 

So y'all, when the movie finished I burst into tears for like 15 mins. Truth be told, this end of the world humanity screws itself through bio warfare/nuclear destruction/nature strikes back kind of stuff terrifies the snot out of me. The. Snot. Out. Of. Me. Also I am fascinated by it. 

My question is: why do I do this to myself? 

I saw The Day After when I was 13 years old and I have been terrified about living through some world changing, population killing, cataclysmic event eve since.  Guess what? Still scared (but hiding it better). 

Now that I have a kid these fears seem to be more attached to fearing what would happen to Nate if such an event were to occur. Call me crazy, but if/when the big whatever it is comes I think we will need more than bottled water to fix things. I know this fear is exacerbated by all of the mass tragedy around the world that has been in the news. And I have no survival skills. I know that. I would have very little to contribute to a post armageddon society. 

So what do you think? Am I going old lady everything is dangerous crazy? 


Anonymous said...

i am so with you on this one! when my sister was here she took me to see that movie IN THE THEATRE. i had no clue what it was about. i am the same way, i hate movies where everyone is gone and the cities are empty. nothing freaks me out more.

i was a nervous wreck through the entire film and had bad dreams for ages. it was good tho...

Anonymous said...

p.s no, you are not going old-lady-everything-is-dangerous-crazy. but, i would get more bottle water... you know, with the whole earthquake thing. (another reason to move out east... just saying!)

kaz said...

some call it "compulsive risk assessment psychosis"