I dunno where to start really its been such a long time. I got a new job in September that has been keeping me pretty busy. I'm really loving it but sometimes I have these rashes of severe doubt about whether I'm doing a good job of it. I'm wondering if I'm unsuited to be a public servant. I'm too much 'say what I mean' and 'ask for what I want' and not really all that good at subtlety. Up until now I've considered these very very good personality traits and I think they've got me pretty damn far in life. But the truth is, it doesn't make me all that good at compromising, or suffering fools gladly. Luckily, I have the best and most supportive team in the world and they seem to like me just the way I am. But I'm worried that this will keep me from moving along in my career. I know I'm a pretty good manager but I think sometimes I come off as being too aggressive and not appropriately meek or diplomatic or whatever. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but I think there is a danger of me being interpreted as too pushy, or outspoken or assertive. Possibly this is just me being crap on myself -- I mean I'm relatively new to this sector of the workplace and have a lot to learn. Maybe I expect too much of myself to get everything straight off the bat. I am trying to learn, but don't want to be other than me, just a bit better than me if that makes any sense.
Nuff said.
In other news, Nate continues to be the most amazing and incredible kid I've ever had the pleasure to meet. He is talking in short sentences now and is interested in absolutely everything. He continues to love bubbles, doggies, pumpkins, stars and Diego and continues to hate avocado and having his face washed.
Some new things about Nate:
He loves dried mango and raisins more than cookies. He often stands in front of the pantry asking for cookies, and when you open the door to the pantry to give him one, he then starts chanting either 'raisins' or 'mango' until you dole them out. This is hilarious. He needs to have a sneaky approach to get them?
His best new word by far is "funny". He says things like "momma funny," "Dada funny," and best "Nate's Dada funny."
He gets pissy when you try to take off his yellow rubber boots that he wears absolutely everywhere.
He now says pease [please], dadum [thank you], ecum [welcome]. When he does something wrong he says sodee [sorry].
He has mastered most of the animals in his books and is still obsessed with shoes.
Even when he is driving you nuts, which he does quite often now that he is getting his second molars in and is cranky, you just have to laugh cause he is being a brat in such a single minded, intense fashion that you almost feel sorry for him.
So, here is my little update and I won't promise more like I usually do (I will try though).
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