Thursday, August 09, 2007

Vacation good. Work bad.

Hey y'all!

The last few days at home have been fabulous! We've done the hanging around thing, the shopping thing, the going out here and there thing. This not going to work thing is fun. We haven't really been doing anything out of the ordinary, it's just nice to have the time to do all the normal day to day things that I'm usually not a part of like going for the morning walk, getting a coffee and hanging out, putting him down for a nap etc.

Nate and I did have one adventure on the weekend where we went to Langley to a berry farm with a friend and co-worker of mine and her son. After the berry farm we stopped by to visit her in-laws "farm" (which was really an estate of sorts where they kept horses). Nate was in complete awe of the big horses and fascinated by the foals. He spent lots of time just watching them and then petting their noses. After this we went to Fort Langley, which is a charming little town where we ate fish and chips with the kids, and then made it home in time to watch the fireworks (well except for Nate who needed to sleep badly).

Nate got to go to his auntie's birthday dinner at The Reef, which has very fine food and very very lovely pitchers of Mojitos. He was admired by a large number of the hard working and lovely women of JJ Bean.

Today Nate had his first real haircut (other than the bits I manage to snag off once in a while) and he was very well behaved according to the stylist. I will be sure to post a picture.

Today I bought an ipod for myself. And not a little ipod. A big sucker. I've been wanting one for a while and just decided to go for it. Thing is that I'm feeling so guilty about it I haven't even taken it out of the bag. I don't need it. I'm not a hard core tech junkie, and it's not like anyone really needs an ipod. Nonetheless I want it. For those who don't know it already, I do two things when I'm nervous. I eat. I shop. I've been embroiled in this icky situation at work lately which came to a head on Friday JUST BEFORE I LEFT FOR VACATION. No kidding. Lucky me. So I've been thinking about it and eating and shopping. One chocolate cake in the 'fridge and one ipod in my bag = one Tirade entirely uninterested in going back to work. This would be so much easier if I just kept my head down and didn't worry about stuff like accountability, responsibility, and teamwork. Silly Tirade.

So here I sit bloated from eating cake and staring at a shiny black new toy.

If I take the plastic off, I have to keep it.


Mama T said...

Yes, you do. But just think, when our ipods meet, they might make little black ipod babies! Welcome, tirade-pod, you will come in handy, I know!

Tirade said...

Yay Tirade-ipodlets! This sounds like a great idea! WE should get together again and the ipod mating gives us a reason (albeit a silly one).